In a sporadic economy, dream jobs are hard to find. But some may be right under your nose in a manner of speaking. Like the shoe salesman, lucky bastard, he gets to see women's naked feet all day. All shapes and sizes- some smelly, some perfumed, but with the law of averages, he gets to bust a nut sooner or later. You might not have that kind of luck, but you can certainly share the experience with the lovely sample of young arches in this volume. Guaranteed, by the time you're through watching, you won't care what lousy cards life's dealt you
Series: Barefoot Confidential
Studio: Kick Ass Pictures
Director: Mark Kulkis
Duration: 213 minutes
Barefoot Confidential 62 features the following pornstars:
Evan Stone
Tyler Knight
Jack Lawrence
Celeste Star
Misty Stone
Georgia Jones
Jandi Lin
Missy Stone
Heather Starlet
Barefoot Confidential 62 payperview
Barefoot Confidential 62 VoD
Barefoot Confidential 62 streaming video
Barefoot Confidential 62 streaming media
Barefoot Confidential 62 pay-per-view
Barefoot Confidential 62 ppv
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