Those naughty stewardesses are at it again! But this time theyve turned in their Mile High Club sky miles for a sexy, rousing, Old West-styled adventure on a dude ranch. Punchin cattle and breakin stallions are the last things on their minds as these lovely ladies earn their wings in a whole new way...blazing a trail straight to the bedroom.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Independent International Pictures
Director: Al Adamson
Duration: 93 minutes
Blazing Stewardesses features the following pornstars:
Yvonne De Carlo
Bob Livingston
Don Barry
Geoffrey Land
Connie Hoffman
Regina Carrol
T.A. King
Harry Ritz
Jimmy Ritz
Lon Bradshaw
Jerry Mills
Nicolle Riddell
Sheldon Lee
Carol Bliger
Jon Shank
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