It's that time of year again. Beer. Sun. Wet t-shirt contests. Well, never oneito leave a good thing unimproved, Wicked has hit upon a new phenomenon for the squirming buns just aching to be released. And face it, you've gotta do something extra to win Wicked's top honors. So, Janet Jacme and a group of the wildest, all-anal maniacs ever assembled have brought their formidable talentsito the occasion. If you like your action hot, hard, and unabashedly've arrived.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Wicked
Director: Jim Enright
Duration: 76 minutes
Booty By Nature features the following pornstars:
Kim Chambers
Sean Michaels
Dominique Simone
Lynn LeMay
Julian St. Jox
Steven St. Croix
Janet Jacme
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