If you like your men rough -- and your sex rougher! -- then it's time for a face-to-face with Brawlers, the newest and scrappiest Mustang Studios release to date. The Brawlers meet once a month. Their motto is: There's nothing like pain. It makes you remember that you're alive. Each member is handed an envelope with a task inside that will get them in a fight or laid -- or both! Tyler Michael's card is simple enough: "Fuck your best friend", so he invites Mustang Exclusive Cal "Speedy" Reynolds over to watch the game and things get rough from there.Shane Rollins is instructed to "Pick a fight in a bar", so he heads over to the local watering hole and flirts with Ray Stone's girlfriend. That leads to a hot fuck-and-suck session between the two, with Tamas Eszterhazy joining in.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Mustang Falcon Falcon Studios Group
Director: John Bruno
Duration: 101 minutes
Brawlers features the following pornstars:
Matt Majors
Shane Rollins
Trey Casteel
Tyler Michaels
Jon Galt
Tommy Blade
Mark Slade
Nick Marino
Ray Stone
Tamas Eszterhazy
Cal Speedy Reynolds
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