The story revolves around the production of a prime time soap opera in Budapest that will star an American celebrity and tabloid subject, played by Buckshot Man Brad Patton, which sets the scene for some real off screen action. Buckshot Man Brian Hansen, who plays the series producer, and Roland Dane, as the director, lead a cast of Eastern European uncut studs, who enact roles behind the scenes and on the set, giving the story a wide range of sexual action and characters. Director Dane teams up again with Sacanny, the director of photography, filling the screen with their unusual angles, as well as dolly and video-editing shots, creating a unique visual experience uncommon in adult all-male erotica.
Series: unknown series
Studio: COLT Studio Olympus
Director: Roland Dane
Duration: 98 minutes
Casting Couch features the following pornstars:
Brad Patton
Roland Dane
Rod Stevens
Julian Vincenzo
Lucio Maverick
Jose Ganatti
Brian Hansen
Zoltan Gondor
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