You asked for it and here it is XXX splendor. After carefully surveying our loyal customers, we went to the major (and even some minor) video producers, acquiring the hottest video vignettes available anywhere. The entire footage was then grouped into the erotic situation you most wanted to see.
Series: unknown series
Studio: OGV
Director: unknown director
Duration: 109 minutes
Christy Canyon Vs Ginger Lynn features the following pornstars:
Peter North
Steve Drake
Tom Byron
Ron Jeremy
Mike Horner
Bunny Bleu
Barbie Dahl
Christy Canyon
Billy Dee
Ginger Lynn
Susan Hart
Steve Powers
Tony El-Ay
Lisa De Leeuw
Greg Rome
Debra Lynn
Paul Barresi
Jay Serling
Marc Wallice
Leslie Winston
Janey Robbins
Nicole West
Howard Ziehm
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Christy Canyon Vs Ginger Lynn VoD
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Christy Canyon Vs Ginger Lynn ppv
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