English Discipline Series: College Classics 10

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English Discipline Series: College Classics 10

English Discipline Series: College Classics 10

Pupils Hobson and Clarke are summoned to do extra carpentry classes by Mr. Curtis who has asked the Senior Prefect to stay behind and keep her eyes open for any trouble from the "two naughtiest girls from St. Lukes." They are persistent offenders who take advantage of any situation to cause trouble at the college. Mr. Curtis leaves the woodwork shop, leaving the Senior Prefect to supervise. Clarke and Hobson try to take advantage of the situation, but the Prefect is not fooled. She tells them that she has full permission to discipline them, and uses it by bending them over the bench for spankings.

Series: English Discipline Series

Studio: Calstar 

Director: unknown director

Duration: 60 minutes

English Discipline Series: College Classics 10 features the following pornstars:
Hobson  Clarke  Mr. Curtis 

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