Got the porn blues? Well, don't give up yet here's five new, hard-pounding featurettes that will sizzle your plumbing! Fleshtones stars a dozen of the freshest, hunkiest young super studs on film -- all guaranteed to raise your pulse rate from jaded to jackin'! THE PAPERBOY: Big and blond, Shawn Peters delivers a load and a half when he plows Sam, a willing Oriental hunk! THE POOLBOY: Two young studs, Brian Thompson and Champ, strip out of their trunks and get down to some very sweet, X-Rated sports! THE PLUMBER: Jake Scott, a muscular blond plumber, rams his oversize pipe down the moist tubes of Mark Christopher! TRUCK STOP: A horny trucker, Joe Nevada, gets it on, hard and fast, at a deserted truck stop with David Reams, a young hitchhiker! THE ORGY: The hottest poolside four-way ever -- a ball blasting classic!
Series: unknown series
Studio: Le Salon
Director: unknown director
Duration: 74 minutes
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