Hugh is 20 year's old and a military transplant from the Midwest, soaking up the weather and exploring his wilder sexual side while out here in South California. When he was approached about doing porn, Hugh jumped at the chance since it's something he'd been thinking about since high school.In the normal chit-chat when we first meet, the inevitable question comes up: "Why do want to do porn?" Usually, the response is related to money or liking the idea of showing off. Hugh's response came without a moment of hesitation:"I just like sex."Fair enough. And with that, Hugh set the stage for a sexually-charged shoot.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Spunk Worthy Video
Director: unknown director
Duration: 14 minutes
Hugh features the following pornstars:
Hugh payperview
Hugh VoD
Hugh streaming video
Hugh streaming media
Hugh pay-per-view
Hugh ppv
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