Directed by multi awarded Max Candy, Inglorious Bitches stars an army of renowned beautiful and glamorous girls - Tarra White, Aleska Diamond, Anna Polina, Suzy Carina and Cindy Dollar, amongst others - who ferociously fight for peace. Explosions, tanks, orgies, girl fights...The 250.000 feature is set in astonishing decors recreating a World War II atmosphere, where two young women (Anna Polina and Tarra White), who saw their lover killed by the enemy, join the resistance and recruit former prostitutes to train to become formidable fighters, experts in arms and charms.Running a brothel frequented by the non-commissioned officers of the enemy, our ladies of the resistance receive strategic information by occupying and preparing a secret operation that could change the course of the war. Orgy scenes with dozens of participants, torrid threesomes, fetishists, uniforms and lesbians: all is here to make a grand movie.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Marc Dorcel
Director: Max Candy
Duration: 107 minutes
Inglorious Bitches - French features the following pornstars:
Jay Dee
George Uhl
Wein Lewis
Suzie Carina
Thomas Lee
Denis Reed
Tarra White
Anastasia Devine
Cindy Dollar
Steve Q.
Martin Gun
Nicky Angel
Leny Evil
Defrancesca Gallardo
Kristi Lust
Silvie Deluxe
Aleska Diamond
Anna Polina
Niki Sweet
Kety Pearl
Inglorious Bitches - French payperview
Inglorious Bitches - French VoD
Inglorious Bitches - French streaming video
Inglorious Bitches - French streaming media
Inglorious Bitches - French pay-per-view
Inglorious Bitches - French ppv
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