Introducing Alexis

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Introducing Alexis

Introducing Alexis

Alexis Christian is a very successful nude model and dancer who's just signed an X-rated deal with a leading video company. The competition shifts into overdrive in an effort to screw up the deal, going so far as to slip an "undesirable" sex partner right under Alexis' nose--quite literally. Does it work? Does she stay with her contract or get lured away? (Take a guess.) You've seen her in Penthouse. You've seen her on the runway. Now Vivid brings you Alexis as you've never seen her before. Introducing Alexis. In action... at last.

Series: unknown series

Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Director: Toni English 

Duration: 79 minutes

Introducing Alexis features the following pornstars:
Jill Kelly  Missy  Tom Byron  Michael J. Cox  Chelsea Blue  Mark Davis  Margo Stevens  Mitchell Grant  Bobby Vitale  Lea  J.B.  Alexis Christian  Anthony Frayne 

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