Bruno, the deceiver, and his lovely wife of 40 years have an auto-school that has a reputation to keep. The pervert couple do not hesitate for a moment to abuse their influence to seduce their apprentices. Our sexy small pupils, Kim, Tiffany and Joyce seem well determined to take advantage of this situation to obtain their licenses. After causing an accident as a result of incorrect handling of the gear lever, Kim does not hesitate to get banged behind the bushes to be forgiven. Tiffany is desperate to get her license. With the participation of Julie, her slutty instructor, they corrupt Pascal. No offense to the examiner who willingly embarks on a crazy fucking session. Bruno, the director of the driving school, took advantage of the absence of his wife to give a course of maneuvers to Joyce, while the instructor of 40 years teaches the young Bob, the future biker, to saddle up. No doubt in this driving school you know the action to follow for success.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Marc Dorcel
Director: Les Comperes
Duration: 90 minutes
L'Auto-Ecole features the following pornstars:
Joyce (f)
Tiffany Doll
Julie Valmont
Kim Liberty
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