Kara's mom has always been strict, so she came along to teach her how to turn tricks and suck dicks! Lizz's mom said we couldn't raw dog that pussy or lick her ass until we dropped an extra $100 on her! Ava is a sexy Latina whose mother emigrated from Mexico so her daughter wouldn't have to work the donkey show like she did back in Tijuana! When Dawn got fired she needed rent money so she made her own daughter Daya give up the honey! Tanya came by to sell her daughter Emma's punnany to help make ends meet, but she couldn't resist joining in on the fun! What a fucking whore!
Series: Moms Pimp Their Daughters
Studio: Lethal Hardcore
Director: Chucky Sleaze
Duration: 132 minutes
Moms Pimp Their Daughters features the following pornstars:
Billy Glide
Lee Stone
Will Power
Tanya Tate
Teagan Summers
Lizz Tayler
Emma Mae
Kara Finley
Ava Jay
Daya Layne
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