Spanking Big E 8

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Spanking Big E 8

Spanking Big E 8

Gia is frustrated with her two daughters, Synthia and Isabel. They are unruly and disrespectful to her, so she decides to transport them to Gemini's Punishment Clinic. Gemini sees immediately what is needed and has them change from street clothes to more appropriate school girl uniforms. She then gives them both an over the knee hand spanking, followed by straps and paddles. Finally she administers the cane and enema. Having been taught a good lesson they are sent off. Gia, their mother, who witnessed their punishment, decides she would like to feel the sensation of being spanked and caned, and Gemini obliges with a caning followed by an enema.

Series: Spanking Big E

Studio: Calstar 

Director: unknown director

Duration: 58 minutes

Spanking Big E 8 features the following pornstars:
Gia Regency  Synthia  Gemini 

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