Stripped, Spread, Stretched 3: Devil's Bargain

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Stripped, Spread, Stretched 3: Devil's Bargain

Stripped, Spread, Stretched 3: Devil's Bargain

The world of porn revolves around two types of people: men, who take obsessive pleasure in objectifying, exposing and exploiting women; and women who sell themselves out for either a fistful of dollars, instant sexual gratification, or fifteen minutes of fame. When these two types of people come together to do a scene, it's truly a devil's bargain. Everyone knows what they're getting into, but that don't make it any easier. So watch Tiffany get gagged and ass-fucked. Watch Amber eat ass, suck toes and take a spit shower. Watch babes get dildos, cocks and hands stuck inside their tiny buttholes. And watch them all come back for more.

Series: Stripped, Spread, Stretched

Studio: Seven Silver Keys Productions  Fifth Element 

Director: Michael Payne 

Duration: 94 minutes

Stripped, Spread, Stretched 3: Devil's Bargain features the following pornstars:
Mallory Knoxxx  Tiffany Holiday  Chelsea Zinn  Jonny Zinn  Amber Rayne  Michael Payne 

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