Sin City Twinks' "Vegas or Bust" tells the tale of Jason Chase, played by Jason Raze, who leaves his small town dwellings in pursuit of trying to find himself and he ends up in Vegas. He realizes that things are not as easy as he expected and quickly finds himself broke with no place to stay. We know what happens to boys like this on the streets but he befriends Jesse Jacobs and is drawn into a world where he can make fast money by performing webcam sex shows.The journey begins for young Jason through a black and white lens and this style of shooting is quite effective for the story that unfolds.
Series: unknown series
Studio: Sin City Twinks
Director: Afton Nills
Duration: 76 minutes
Vegas Or Bust features the following pornstars:
Jason Raze
Tyler Berke
Blair Mason
Jesse Jacobs (m)
Nick Angels
Nevin Scott
Alex Dade
Quinn Alexznder
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