Layla Jade is one of the sauciest Brits that porn has seen in a long time. Born in the town of Torquay in Devonshire, England. Her birthday is October 1st, 1980. She was raised in Devonshire, England about 4 hours from London. She had a relatively normal happy childhood. Layla, even in her youth, thought about a career in the adult business. When she was still in school, she used to practice at home with her own video camera. She dropped out of school at age 16, and took on a series of odd jobs; her favorite was working in a nursing home. On her 18th birthday Layla made her debut. This English muffin was a sultry fireball of sexual energy just waiting to be unleashed. After only 4 months in the Euro market, Jade set out on her way to the states to become a porn super star. In January 1999 she made her American debut. This was no ordinary limey whore, she was a sexual deviant, with what some would say "filthiest mouth in porn". Her sheer love for hardcore action will keep her as a favorite among euro porn fans. Jade still makes her home in the U.K., where she started her own modeling business in 2000, "First Choice Models". She hopes to eventually own and run her own production company.
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