Sinnamon Love was born on December 31, 1973, in Flint, Michigan. In 1993 Sinnamon began appearing in adult films as a way to pay for college, and quickly found that she had a knack for doing more than just modeling. As the first Black "Girl Next Door" in the porn industry, she quickly became a hot commodity. Although Sinnamon began her career as the innocent cutie, her personal interest in the BDSM community led her to switch gears and start appearing on websites, videos and photos in the genre. Today you can find her starring in a wide range of films including domination, lesbian, bondage and anal features. Aside from performing in front of the cameras, Sinnamon is very involved with her personal website. She is also a published writer, often writing columns on a variety of subjects. Sinnamon is a driven performer committed to making a name for herself, but when she is not working or traveling to an event you can often find her spending quality time with her daughter, boyfriend and family.
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